A message from Sunglass Shack New Zealand


Hey all!

I hope this finds you well & we would like to extend our thoughts to you and your family during such unprecedented times due to COVID-19.


We continue to support the New Zealand Governments decision to protect people’s safety and well being and are sending out all items within 24 hrs by contact less delivery.

Our Business

Website - Fully Operational 

Our web-store is fully operational and our staff are all safely working remotely.

Warehouse/Shipping - Fully Operational

One person filling all orders remotely within their bubble.


As a NZ owned and operated business, we want to thank you for your support in this unprecedented time.

If you have any questions please contact us at Sales@SGSNZ.COM or use our chat window to your right.

Kia Kaha New Zealand!!


Sunglass Shack NZ LTD